Part 93: She and I should never meet again. It's for the best.
-Under the Moonlight-

...I can see the moon more clearly from here. And I can feel the breeze on my face.

Haha! Ooooh, you're being soooo mysterious, Joshua!

Okay, looks like you AREN'T just trying to be cool.

This is the sort of thing your job takes, isn't it?

The moonlight. The position of the clouds. The flow of the wind. Every detail is vital.

I wish to lower the possibility of failure as much as possible.

Lower the...

Lower the...! Don't say it like THAT, you idiot! If you 'fail,' you'll die, you know?!

Don't worry. The possibility of my failure is very remote. my previous life, I used to conduct missions like this every day.

The real danger will come if I succeed.


...Hey, Joshua? Do you really, absolutely need to do all this?


You're Erebonian, same as us.

I mean, yeah, circumstances mean that none of us can really go home, but...

I just don't get it. Why do you feel like you owe this piddly little backwater anything? Just let these 'Ouroboros' idiots do whatever they want to it.


And, hey, it's still not too late, you know! You can come with us, away from Liberl! We can head out to some independent state and raise our flag there, y'know? And, hey, if you really don't like the whole 'Sky Bandit' gig, we can try and find something else to do!

I was talking to Kyle and Don, and we were thinking the Bobcat would make a good legit shipping vessel. You know, speed and all.

An airship delivery service? I could see it having some potential. Demand for that kind of service is certainly going up. It'd be a safer job than sky banditry, at any rate.

W-Well, then! Technically, we, uh, do have some berths open...

That you do...Once I've crushed the society's plan, and if I manage to survive, I'll think it over.


Ah, you needn't worry, this completes our contract.

As promised, your cooperation here means I'll consider the favor you owe me redeemed. You can depart whenever, I won't mind.

...orget it.


YOU IDIOT! MORON! JERK! Who the hell was talking about DEBTS?!

Forget it! Who cares about you! Just go leap into danger and die, if that's all you wanna do!
Young Man's Voice: Aidios' mercy...Not easy playing dumb, is it?


I do wish she'd finally grow out of her more childish tendencies...Even so, I think you could've handled that better.

...It's true.

I cannot apologize, but I do feel sorry for what I've...done to her. sure have an odd way of being nice, Astray.

You want to make it up to her, give that offer some serious thought. Assuming, of course, you won't be joining up with your nice, young bracer lady after this.

Haha...No, that won't be happening. In the end, the worlds we live in are too different. She and I should never meet again. It's for the best.

Hmmmmm...Well, if that's how you think.

In that case, Josette's offer does have some appeal, yeah?

It does...I am going to give it some thought.


Look who's decided to show themselves!
-Creeping Crisis-

Don, is that them?!

Yeah! It's just like the lad predicted! They're approaching from the northeast!

You heard the man. To the bridge.

Got it.
Sky Bandit Lonnie: The boss is on the bridge.
Sky Bandit Ryan: The Bobcat's in perfect condition. In other words, everything else is on you.
Sky Bandit Aaron: This sounds bad no matter how you look at it!


What's the situation?

Heh, just what you predicted it would be, lad. Look at the display.

Altitude of 1560 arge, entering Liberlian territory from the north-northeast at 2100 selge per hour. With that kind of altitude and speed, they aren't normal ships.

Looks like that special radar of yours is working, eh?

Don't congratulate me yet. We don't know who they are.

It's possible they're Erebonian scout ships or something.

Kyle, do we have any visual contact yet?

...Got them! Sending the image to your display!

Heheh. Well, that's the stage set, then. Now it gets exciting.

Let's do this, then!

Lad, you're ready for this, right?

Absolutely. Once I'm in place, begin immediately.
-Decision to Leave-

Don, Kyle...Josette...

Thank you for everything. Our relationship may have been based on a contract, but I'm glad I met you.




It would be a bit more appropriate to say it once the mission's over with. But...I may not get the opportunity. So let me say it now. Thank you.

Be well, everyone.

He just...

Heh. Dramatic till the very end.


Even at the very end, you manage to be SO UN-CUTE! What's all this 'thank you' business with a face like you're walking to your execution?!

You think hearing that'll make me happy?! You think...those are the words I want to hear?


...Just, promise me. That you won't do anything too crazy. That you'll come back alive...


Given who I'm about to pick a war with, I can't guarantee anything.


But...I will promise this. Even if I don't succeed at my goal...

I will come back alive and give you all my thanks.



Don't forget! I collect on my promises, buster!
-Engaged People in Secret Maneuvers-
Crimson Soldier Tom: Set course for Valleria Lake.
Crimson Soldier Dick: Roger. Doesn't look like the Liberlian airships noticed us. Stealth functionality...Nice little piece of tech they loaded us up with.
Crimson Soldier Harry: If we didn't have that doohickey we'd be causing a bit of a fuss right about now, y'know. I mean, forget us. Imagine what would happen if those Liberl hicks saw THAT monster comin' for them.
Crimson Soldier Dick: Haha, don't I wish I could see that.
Crimson Soldier Harry: Wha...!
Crimson Soldier Dick: Are we under attack?!
Crimson Soldier Tom: The hell are you idiots panicking for?! Check the damn radar!
Crimson Soldier Dick: Contact! One small ship approaching from four o'clock!
Crimson Soldier Harry: Database match...found! The Capua Sky Bandit airship 'Bobcat'! Reinford make!
Crimson Soldier Tom: SKY BANDITS?!


O-ho! So it did!

Time for us to beat it, then!
Crimson Soldier Harry: What do we do? Do we pursue?
Crimson Soldier Tom: No, leave 'em alone. If they were Royal Army we'd have to pike 'em all, but we don't have time to bother with small fries.
Crimson Soldier Harry: Understood.
Crimson Soldier Dick: Right now our only job is clearing the Glorious' flight path.
Crimson Soldier Tom: Let's head back to base for now. We should let Sir Campanella know about the bandits.
-Under the Moonlight-

Everything went exactly like the lad thought it would.



Josette, don't worry.

It's Joshua Astray we're talking about. He'll come back safe.

Yeah...Yeah, he will.

He's got a promise to keep, after all.